We aim to provide technology enabledoperational efficiencies that will work to reduce your bottom linecosts.To compete in 21st century business can be a challenge, so why makeit harder for yourself with inefficient and ultimately costlycommunication platforms? Here at AT&D we believe effectivecommunication is the foundation of ANY successful business – nomatter what the industry.It doesn't have to cost the earth and it doesn't have to becomplicated – but it does have to work for your business now andinto the future. AT&D strongly recommends whole-of-businesssolutions that aim to utilise key communication strategiesincluding implementing our expertise in small business phonesystems. By working closely with you we can help you analyse thebenefits and the risks and create roadmaps for the future of yourbusiness.Why Choose AT&D?With over 40 years experience in the telecommunications industry weknow what works. We know the right phone systems for smallbusinesses.We WILL make a difference to your organisation with ourfamiliarity and wide knowledge of small business telephonesystems.We have the experience, knowledge and partnerships to ensure youreceive only the highest quality, reliable and innovative telecomsservices supported by exceptional customer service.
South African Essentials 1.400
South African Essentials is a long-standingstaple of the South African expat community in Perth, WesternAustralia. We are a family owned and run business operating fromJoondalup, and we are truly passionate about celebrating ourdiverse culture and providing quality traditional South Africanfood to locals and expats alike. We strive to make the flavours youlove more accessible and affordable, never compromising on thequality of our expansive range of products.Please download our free app-Click to call-Loyalty Program-Share with a friend-QR Codes-See our complete menu-order food-specials & discounts
STR Consultant 4.0.3
Firstly, welcome to my app and for beinginterested in reading more about what I do. My app is based oneducation, training, research and the auditing of your business ona mobile marketing level.How can this help you It will provide you with greater levels ofknowledge leading into 2015 and beyond, to better help yourbusiness grow in this mobile world we live in.Why did I get into mobile education The answer is simple. I want tohelp you and your business growth. There is nothing more satisfyingthan helping people with their business ventures.No one goes into business to fail or for their business to becomestagnant. Often this is due to a lack of education on what trendsare working at that moment. For example, some businesses arealready operating on a mobile level, whereas others are afraid tochange and still spend money on paper flyers etc. This may haveworked well 10 years ago but may not work as well today!The ever changing mobile business world is fast-paced and we areseeing paper replaced with applications, software and programs. Allthese changes help your business grow.There are so many products on the market, in terms of your ownbusiness marketing, that it can be difficult to choose what todo.I have extensive training over the last 2yrs and I believe I havethe knowledge and education to help you. I have invested hours andhours of learning and have direct access to web designers, graphicdesigners, App developers, SEO geeks and have studied social mediatrends.I have also had online training at MMU (Master Marketers Universityonline) on new technology and trends that I can pass onto businessowners via a free consultation.
Dosh Darts 4.0.1
DO$H is a newly formed darts organisationwhose home venue is at Quinns Rocks Sports Club. Its sole purposeis to offer the WA dart players (and other States), morecompetitions to play in, offering more prize money and betterdarting facilities than other darting institutes.As we grow, there will be more competitions offering much betterpayouts, thus rewarding the darters for their efforts andperformances on the dart board. DO$H’s motto is – “Putting the WAdart player FIRST” and we will prove that by the way we put on ourcomp’s.Although DO$H is in it’s infancy, the people behind it have manyyears of experience in the darting know how. This ship has ateriffic crew guiding it through the turbulant waters that isDarts.Many darts Organisations in Australia work tirelessly hard toplease and accommodate dart players of all standards. Althoughalmost impossible to do, DO$H will strive to reach and maintain astandard that pleases all darters and also helps them reach thevery highest standard of which their abilities will allow.In a nut shell, anyone joining DO$H, especially at the earlystages, will not only experience tournaments that are better run,better financially structured, better formats being used, but willalso be able to grow with the organisation and be proud to boastthat they were there at the beginning!!
Malaga Business Association 4.1.1
The Malaga and Districts Business Association(MDBA) was established with the aim of providing its members withbenefits that would enhance their business opportunities andimprove the working environment of the district.Now 23 years later, the MDBA is still going strong. It offersand gives access to a variety of different benefits and services toits members. By joining members can improve areas of their businesssuch as networking, advertising opportunities, informationgathering and social events.Members Expectations:Members can expect a number of benefits from the MDBA such as:Networking with other membersMembers Voice becomes louder as part of an Association withrepresentation on Local & State Government issuesDirect access to CoSBA (Combined Small Business Alliance of WAInc.)Support for members business including informing and referringother businesses to each otherInformative and entertaining networking eventsConstant updates on topics that could affect or influence membersbusiness decisionsMembership involvement in giving advice and suggestions on how toimprove the MDBA for all membersMembership fees are Tax DeductibleEvents:The MDBA helps host numerous events throughout the year withmembers receiving a discounted price. The benefits from theseevents are:Networking opportunities – Members get a chance to network withother members and special guestsPromoting local business through location, catering, guest speakersand sponsorshipWinning Business Awards that can be displayed at members businessesand have their success recognised in the community.A social night outEvents that we assist are:Breakfast Club – with a special guest speaker at eachevent.Annual Awards Night– Not only is this a great night out but itprovides an opportunity for networking, advertising and recognitionof achievement.Sundowners – Members of the Association have the opportunity tohost a sundowner. This is an occasion for that member to open theirdoors and invite fellow members for nibbles and drinks in order topresent the host business to them. These events are excellent formarketing a business as it brings interested members closer. TheMDBA assists in marketing these event to all members of theAssociation.Presidents Luncheon – A chance for members to come together andtalk about issues affecting businesses in and around Malaga.Business Women networking event– a great chance for the localbusiness women to get together.Special Events:“Quit Targa West Rally” VIP tent – members get a chance to see therally from a great location whilst still being able to network andrelax.Quiz Auction Night – A fun night of networking and socialisingWebsite:The MDBA website provides a quick and easy way to access a varietyof information as well as advertise member businesses.Member benefits:A FREE listing of their business on the siteAdvertising space can be purchased by membersUp-to-date information on important topicsMembers calendar for upcoming eventsGallery of photographs from past eventsNewsletter:The MDBA newsletter is distributed to over 2,000 businesses inMalaga every 2 months. It provides advantages such as:Articles on business advice, business planning, accounting,industrial relations issues, occupational health and safety,banking, workers compensation, marketing and more.Members Business Profile in the newsletter for freeSpecial MemberAdvertisingRates in the newsletterMembers able to put flyer inserts such as surveys, special dealsetc.eNews:A weekly eNewsletter is sent out to members with updates and newsfrom the MDBA, members, City of Swan and the government. TheeNewsletter is also great way to advertise Sundownerswhich membersmay be having or other events going on around Malaga that may be ofinterest to MDBA members.
Kabalason Restaurant 4.0.9
India has a unique touch to the Everyday lifefull of Enjoyment, Style, and Design and when specificallydiscussed about the Food it has the variation of Food Recipes whichare the part of its culture from thousand years. A Restaurant inJoondalup with a distinctive environment specially designed toprovide comfort and space to relax has been made a mark from theinception.The chef at kabalason are having more than 25 years of experienceworking at the 5-star restaurants in India and abroad, which hasenabled us to cook and cater good food with great balance of tasteand enjoyment to you. Our cafe provides you a good environment torelax and collaborate on a table.Over the years of experience, finest chefs and best service hasmade Kabalason the first choice for the both the option. Thespacious and well design architecture makes it suitable for Food aswell café. India has been the home for many delicious recipes andheaven for food lovers. Kabalason brings you the best andmagnificent experience of Indian Cuisine and cooking variety ofancient India.We serve the feast with great care and balance to make it amemorable movement for lifetime which would encourage you to giveus an opportunity to welcome you again. Kabalason has mastered andunderstood the reason of providing satisfaction and enjoyment overthe table made by best chefs and served by good people and onaffordable pricing.Health is given a first priority of all and that's why we followthe industry standards and necessary procedures before we cater youthe food and meet the quality the food and café should have.
Mould and More 4.1.2
MouldAndMoreMould remediation/removal and Specialist Cleaning & HygieneservicesThe quality of air inside the home has a direct effect on one'shealth. Ideally, air quality indoors should be clean and healthy.Many factors may contribute to health risks such as respiratoryproblems if there is poor air circulation and quality inside thehome. One of these factors is the existence and growth of mouldwhich can be sourced from a variety of materials. Moulds areenvironmental contaminants which can cause serious health problemsif left for a long time. They come in the forms of algae, dustmites, viruses, pollen, mildew, yeast, and the like. Types ofmoulds are: Aspergillus, Cladosprium, and Stachybotrys. Mouldsflourish in the air during the change in seasons or humidity whenthere is more than enough moisture in the air, from floods andLeaks. They can also form and come from food sources usually foundin the kitchen. Sometimes they grow on surfaces where there is aperfect temperature for them to survive. Some moulds do not simplyjust grow overnight as they remain unnoticed for years. If thesource is not treated and removed it may cause health issues. Somemoulds may in some cases such as Aspergillus be able to causeserious lung problems Cladosprium may trigger certain kinds ofallergies; and Stachybotrys can potentially cause internalbleeding.It is important to understand where mould can be found in thehome or premises to have them treated before they can do furtherdamage to one's health. To have the expertise of a MouldRemediation/Removal Cleaning specialist do the task on your behalf.Using professional solutions to wipe out all sources of mould andspores inside your home or premises, the company ensureshomeowners/clients of good quality of air indoors. The companyalways guarantees to clients not only a one-off measure to keep thehome clean from mould, but also long-term solutions to keep themfrom returning.MouldAndMore is composed of a professional team of experts adeptat eliminating all sorts of moulds and their sources from one'shome or premises. Being around in the business for years, the teambehind MouldAndMore employs effective methods to ensure that mouldgrowth and spores have been dealt with.What makes MouldAndMore Perth's mould remediation/removalprocedure work?
Tube Power 4.1.1
Here at the TUBE POWER, we believe in onething and that is COMMITMENT TO YOUR SUCCESS. We believe in you andyour business and that more people should be getting your productand services. People nowadays are too busy to read and as you'rereading this you might already be getting bored. With a You TubeVideo, it will only take 1-2 minutes to captivate your audience andget your message across on what your business is all about.AMAZING! Don't be left behind and contact us now!
For Life Coaching- Bass Tadros 4.5.1
At For Life our packages and sessions varytosuit your needs.We offer individual sessions or tailored packages that range asperyour requirement. Feel free to discuss available options.Flexible to assist according to your preferred method, of one ononeor over the phone at a time that fits in with yourschedule.Face-to-Face CoachingFace-to-Face meeting is the preferred coaching style asitprovides a unique working relationship where a personalconnectionis important.Meeting with your coach can provide valuable self-awarenessinterms of body language, communication style and much more.Choosing One-on-one coaching means choosing the rightlocationfor in-depth dialogue. This means a location that offersprivacy,confidentiality, no distraction and one that is conductivetoholding free, open, honest discussion.I would recommend discussing the choices and options withyourcoach during the initial contact conversation.The coach will have an initial conversation and answeranyquestionsMeeting dates and times will be setPhone CoachingCoaching by phone has become a preferred method used bymanyclients and coaches in Australia and worldwide.Practical and convenient, producing the same outcomesasface-to-faceClients often prefer to main confidentialityClient saves time and money not travelling to meet the coachPhone coaching is totally focussed as most external distractionsareavoidedClients often feel more comfortable in their own environmentSome clients prefer not having a sense of being observed as theymayexperience in face-to-facePhone coaching can be organised for after hours and weekends,makingit more relaxed and availablePhone coaching can take place in remote locations in WAandnationallyPhone coaching makes access a lot easier for clients with aphysicaldisability or other mobility issuesPackagesAn encompassing coaching series which includes:2x 1-hour structured coaching sessionsReport on first meetingRaises personal awareness of current situationHighlights greater clarity, focus and direction in your lifeWorks on designing your futureUncover self-sabotaging actionsProvides the 'kick start' needed to create life change
Mufasa Deli 1.400
We are an online shop that specialises inSouthAfrican delicatessen like biltong, dry wors, boerewors andrelatedfood products, drinks, groceries and many more ! The Mufasateamworks together to ensure that you, our valuable customer,alwaysreceive the best quality, service and customer care at allof ouroutlets.
Boston Limousines 4.1.1
THE ART OF DELIVERANCEIt’s not just about picking you up and dropping you off inyourlimousine, that’s what taxi’s are for. Boston Limousinesoffersmuch, much more…We specialise in limousine hire in Perth, providingprofessionaland friendly service every time.We are an integral part of any special occasion, andoffercustomised limousine services throughout Perth. We craftindividualexperiences.Servicing Perth with our 300C Chrysler, BostonLimousinesguarantees luxury, comfort and breathtaking service,turningoccasions into memories…that’s the Art of Deliverance.
Celebrant 4.0.1
About Angela BurchardtAngela loves Ceremony!Angela is committed to providing professional, caring,creativeand personal services for all life events. She has a finelytunedand sensitive approach to individual needs, drawing onherbackground in spirituality, Yoga teaching, ColourTherapyConsultancy, religious and socio-cultural studies, as wellas hertraining as a Civil Marriage Celebrant.Angela’s extensive experience includes Weddings,Commitments,Baby Namings & Blessings, Funerals & Memorials,Business& Abundance Ceremonies, 100-year Birthday Anniversary,&more.onANGELA’S BEAUTIFUL CEREMONIESCeremony is a structured and symbolic event bringingdeepmeaning, and a sense of importance to what isbeingcelebrated.“The function of ritual is to give form to human life, not intheway of a mere surface arrangement, but in depth”~ Joseph Campbell
Plumbest 4.0.1
Welcome to Plumbest – WA’s plumbing andgasfitting experts, servicing Perth for more than 20 years.Fromblocked drains and burst pipes to renovations, hot water repairandleak detection, Plumbest can handle any plumbing job.Workingacross the Perth metropolitan area, we provide a 24-7emergencycall out service for domestic and commercial plumbingissues.
The Great Bookie Report 4.1.2
Here at TheGreatBookieReport we do a numberofthings for YOU the punter!FIND THE BEST BOOKIE THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS AND GET THE BEST BONUSESFirstly we analyse the most prominent bookmakers fortheAustralian online gambler in an effort to ensure you get thebestodds for sports and racing and receive the best sign up bonusesforjoining as well as seeing you get the best ongoing promotionsandmost importantly that you get paid at the end of the day. ForVIPor High Roller punters that want to be treated as such and notjustanother number, we will broker an amazing deal for youthatcustomer service at the various bookmakers will not offer you,wewill cut their margins of profit down and return it to you!Justcontact us and we will happily get to work for you.THE BEST HORSE RACING TIPS AND GREAT VALUE FOOTY TIPSSecondly our tipping service is the best value you willgetanywhere! Here’s why. Over the last twenty years we havebuiltsolid relationships with the best tipsters and form analystsfromall around Australia as well as having contacts throughout mostofthe major stables and footy teams from the various codes. Allthisvaluable information is then cross referenced and scrutinisedbyour own highly experienced analysts who most importantlyalsoassess value ! thus enabling us to record a consistent longtermprofit on turnover. So don’t go paying thousands of dollarstotipping sites when we are only a fraction of their prices, $280peryear! Remember we have already paid thousands for thebestinformation in the country, there is no better, in twelvemonthsyou will have made a profit ! Follow our Free Race Tips for awhileand check out our results history, that’s right, we leaveourresults up, good or bad so you can judge us, keep in mind ifanytipping site is not totally transparent with results thensteerclear of them. Alternatively join our Punters Club and let usdothe betting, you just collect the profits !SEND US YOUR OWN BOOKMAKER REPORTOur Number ONE RANKED Bookmaker at the moment isPuntingpal.comclosely followed by Beteasy.com.au, Ladbrokes.com.auandSportsbet.com.au. To find out why Puntingpal.com came out ontopjust click on the Bookie Reports tab in the menu bar above. Ifyouthink it’s easier to pick a loser and want to be thebookmaker,then let us explain the Betfair.com exchange to you ! Wewould alsolike you to share your experiences and thoughts on whoand why youthink is the best bookie for sports, racing, orboth.HIGH TURNOVER BUT YOU’RE NOT GETTING VIP STATUSIf you believe the amount you wager each year is significantandyou should be receiving VIP benefits but instead you’re luckytoeven see a paltry free bet a few times a year, then contact usnowand we will negotiate on your behalf a much better deal foryou,get the rewards you deserve
Sold Photography WA 1.402
Click to call features, loyalty program,sharewith a friend, image gallery & much moreSold Photography WA specializes in all forms of realestatephotography including sales, rentals, commercial realestate,vacant blocks and much more, we cover a vast majority ofsuburbsacross this ever growing state of Western Australia, fromnorth ofthe river to south of the river.As you are all aware… “A picture is worth a thousand words”…andtogether with our passion, style, knowledge, experience andourendeavor to maximize your property potential, we will showcaseyourproperty with the perfect set of capturing and high qualityimages,which will without a doubt help to obtain the perfectowners,landlords or tenants to occupy your home for years tocome.At Sold Photography WA, we have a strong passion for what wedo.If you put your faith in us, we can ensure you that you will notbelet down.
City Centre Car Rentals 1.403
City Centre Car Rental is one ofPerth'sleading car rental companies who have pride in giving thecustomersa well-mannered and professional approach for all theirmoving,deliveries and personal car renting needs. We have been inbusinessfor over 20 years and have established our name and arealwaysmaintaining good reputation and standing in the marketplace.So if you need airport transfer or are in town for leisureorbusiness we have a huge range of vehicles to choose from. Nomatterwhere you're headed in Perth or country WA, City Centre carrentalsPerth has everything you need for a superb carrentalexperience.We have great pricing, very friendly service and huge range.Carrenting from us can serve multitude needs such as businesstrips,family vacation, delivery of items, small group outings andmuchmore. Whatever the situations, Here are the highlights ofour services:• Cheap and flexible pricing• Personal, business or family rental• Regular renting services – daily, weekly and monthly.• Good pricing package for long term renter.• Fast inquiry and reservation by filling up a simple form• Fast pick up and on-time scheduleList of our most rented vehicles:1. Hyundai Getz 3 Door Hatch2. Hyundai Accent 4 Door Sedan3. Hyundai Elantra 4 Door Sedan4. Hyundai Sonata 4 Door Sedan Automatic5. Hyundai Imax 8 Seater AutomaticPlease enquire for the link to our Mobile App for afantasticmobile experience. We offer loyalty coupons and specialssodownloading our app is a must
Lord Kent Master Butchers 1.399
Hi & welcome to Lord Kent MasterButchers.Please try our App out for rewards and discounts. Orderonline andplease join our loyalty program. Please view our menucheck outrecipes, Our app has a click call feature and easydirection tab.Please download for free and and share with familyand friends.Send us an image of your meals you cook with ourproducts and wewill publish in our Gallery. Come and fun with ourapp.
PoshPizza 4.0.2
Are you hungry for handmade pizza thatcombinesdelightfully fresh ingredients with an original sourdoughrecipe Wethought so! Here at Posh Pizza, we pride ourselves onmaking thebest pizza in town. As a family-run business, we're openseven daysa week and always willing to bake you a piping hot pizzawheneveryou're craving it. Browse ourmenu to find your next meal. Fans of Thai food will loveeverybite of our Thai Chicken pizza, which mixes red curry,corianderand bean shoots with a sweet chilli dipping sauce tocreate thetastiest pizza in Quinns Rocks.
RnR WA Style 4.0.1
RnR WA Style is a innovative app for peopleofPerth covering all aspects of entertainment, events,services,specials, offers, Perth News, tips, anything to do in andaroundPerth.The app is unique tool as this app allows you to submit ideasdirectto RnR that you would like to see on the app.App also covers Health and fitness even recipes to try outathome.Enjoy using the app and feedback is more than welcome.
Ballajura JFC 4.0.4
Ballajura Junior Football Club is anAustralianRules Football club that caters for kids of school years1-12. Aswell as improving player's skills, we aim to instil asense of fairplay and sportsmanship in both player and parents sothat all canenjoy this great game.
Margaret McKay Celebrations 4.1.1
My name is Margaret McKay and I am a Fulltime,professionally trained Civil Marriage Celebrant and Justiceof thePeace appointed by the attorney Generals Department.Over the past 20 years my husband and I owned and operatedasuccessful business specialising in customer service andtailormaking solutions to our customers individual needs.After selling our business, I just knew that I wanted to beaMarriage Celebrant after attending both of our sonsweddings,watching the celebrants perform beautiful, romantictouchingceremonies that bought our whole family such joy andhappiness onthose special occasions that meant so much to all ofus.What a brilliant career choice I have made, and such a privilegetobe invited to share in one of the most important days of acoupleslife. I love meeting new couples and getting to know theirlovestories.
IPL Beauty 4.0.2
IPLIncreasingly, men and women of all ages want younger-lookingskinbut don’t want to take time away from active lifestyles.IntensePulse Light (IPL) improves the appearance of photo-aged skinwithno down time.Unique IPL technology sends a broad spectrum of therapeuticlightinto the skin. It simultaneously treats a wide range ofskinconditions, including age spots (sun-induced freckles) mostbenignbrown pigments, redness, and the redness associated withbrokencapillaries through a process known as photo rejuvenation fortheface and body. The advantages of photo rejuventation overskinresurfacing methods like laser therapy are tremendous,particularlyfor a younger population with mild to moderate skindamage. Thereis no prolonged recovery time, anaesthesia is notrequired,treatment sessions take only 20-30 minutes, and you canreturn towork or daily activities immediately.IPL also promises an end to waxing and shaving for both menandwomen. IPL is safe to use on your face and body and with thisawardwinning technology, promises faster and more long-term hairremovalthan conventional laser hair removal systems haveoffered.